vaulticx – Transfer data easily. But secure!

Secure communication on the Internet doesn’t have to be complicated. The vaulticx platform from our sister company, tacticx Development GmbH, combines ease of use and maximum security in a single solution. After over a year of development, we are proud to announce the release of the platform. Start your 14-day test phase now.

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Pentest Factory is ISO 27001 certified

Pentest Factory GmbH receives ISO 27001 certification from TÜV NORD CERT

We are proud to announce that Pentest Factory GmbH has been successfully certified according to ISO 27001. TÜV NORD CERT GmbH carried out the certification in full scope, covering all our sites and services. The official certificate was issued on 28.04.2023 and is valid for the next three years.

As a provider of pentesting services, ISO 27001 certification is of great importance to us. Pentesting involves the targeted search for vulnerabilities in IT systems in order to uncover and eliminate security gaps. In doing so, we work with sensitive information and have access to confidential data of our customers. Therefore, it is a top priority for us to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of this information.

ISO 27001 certification ensures that we, as a pentesting service provider, have implemented appropriate security measures and controls to minimize risks to our customers. It gives our customers confidence that their sensitive data is optimally protected during the pentesting process. The certification demonstrates that we have the necessary processes, policies and controls in place to identify potential security risks and take appropriate action.

In addition, ISO 27001 certification underscores our commitment to continuously improving our information security processes. We strive to meet the ever-changing security challenges and provide our customers with the best possible security.

Pentest Factory GmbH is aware of the responsibility that comes with handling confidential information and data of our customers. ISO 27001 certification demonstrates our commitment to the highest standards of information security and shows that we continually strive to minimize the risks associated with pentesting.

We are proud to have received ISO 27001 certification and will continue our efforts to improve our information security standards and meet the highest security requirements.

Vulnerability database published

vulnerability database

Dealing with vulnerabilities in IT environments is more important than ever. The media publishes daily articles about new vulnerabilities being discovered, published or exploited. We have now released our own vulnerability database for the public and allow all users to search the database for vulnerability reports and entries.

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KMU Pentests

Penetration testing and security assessments play integral roles in many companies. However, these tests are mostly used by larger companies. For small and medium-sized companies (german: KMU) the expenses are oftentimes too high. Nevertheless, an assessment of IT security is an important element and should not be neglected.

This is why we have developed a pentest taylored especially for small and medium-sized companies. This pentest is a first step towards a security assessment and combines several advantages.

With a KMU pentest we offer a broad assessment of your company. The goal lies in the identification of as many vulnerabilities as possible, with a focus on easily exploitable issues (“quick wins”). For KMU this approach is more productive than targeting individual systems.

Additionally you have the possibility to apply for a KMU cost reduction through public funds. We gladly advise you in regards to the possibilities and the application procedure.

All further information can be found on our KMU pentest page.

Homepage Redesign

We are happy to announce the launch of our new homepage. We have not only updated the design but also migrated the page to a new platform.

We have extended our content considerably and want to give a better insight into our services and processes. According to our principles of transparency and open communication, we not only offer a description of our services, but also detailled overviews of our processes, testing approaches and also a sample report .

At the same time we have set up our homepage bi-lingually and offer all contents in English. Since we operate internationally, this was an important step.

Of course we have further ideas to extend our homepage and the coming weeks will bring further improvements. Interesting extensions and functions are planned. We thus remain excited. We gladly accept feedback and hints.